Pure Flow Water

Bath Filter


The Pure Flow bath Filter is cutting-edge technology designed to improve the quality of your bath water. This advanced filtration system utilises a unique blend of materials to effectively remove impurities and other harmful chemicals from the water.

Enjoy a relaxing and refreshing bath, free from worrying over chlorine and other contaminants in your water. With the latest bath filter innovation, patented Chlorgon® media, the Bath Ball Filters condition water for more luxurious bathing.

The Bath Filter softens your water naturally (without adding salt) and are great for people with skin allergies, allergies, asthma and eczema. Plus it's PH balanced! ABS food grade plastic

Bath filter cartridge need to be replaced every 30 baths or 6 months.


The Bath Filter works by using the special patented filtration media, Chlorgon, and the Redox process to convert chlorine into harmless chloride molecules. Chloride molecules are too large to be absorbed by skin or vaporise into steam that can be inhaled - unlike potentially harmful chlorine molecules.

Chlorgon is a powerful blend of copper, zinc and calcium sulphide inside the Bath Ball Filter’s cartridge which filters water when it passes through. It has been designed specifically for hot water use. Chlorgon actually becomes more efficient when water temperatures increase (maximum temperature = 49°C).   

No tools or a plumber required, you can neatly and securely DIY fit the Bath Filter onto any bath tap with its velcro harness. The Bath Filter can be attached and detached easily, making it an ideal portable solution for people who rent and also babies’ baths.

This water filter is better for your body and better for the environment, as the Bath Ball Filter’s cartridge is easy to recycle. Simply poke a hole in the cartridge’s screen and empty the contents into garden soil. The cartridge is then able to be placed with other recyclables.

The bath filter utilises a patented technology with patented chlorgon and KDF to remove chlorine, contaminants, heavy metals, dirt, odours and vapours. Inside every Filter is the patented blend of Chlorgon technology and KDF filtration media to remove impurities from your bath.

  • Free Chlorine (Cl-)
  • Combined Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite)
  • Sediment, Dirt
  • Iron Oxide (rust water)
  • Odour (Hydrogen Sulphide)
  • Contaminants found in tap water

…plus, it’s pH balanced!

No tools required and perfect for rental units and travel.

See our instagram for more installation videos.

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