Pure Flow Water

Water Education

Pure Flow Water


Springs are highly susceptible to contamination

A lot of bottled water in Australia is labelled as spring water, but the source of that water is often a mystery

Mountain spring water isn’t as clean as you think

Bottled spring water found to contain forever chemicals 

Spring water could be contaminated depending on the source. If it’s near areas of farmed land then it’s very likely that there is herbicides in the spring water 

Agriculture accounts for 70% of total water consumption worldwide and is the single-largest contributor of non-point-source pollution to surface water and groundwater

It is widely recognised that the condition of many of Australia’s rivers has declined below a level that the broader community considers satisfactory

Spring water is hardly different from tap water

Akuna Springs proven to be no healthier than tap water, despite advertising 'incredible health benefits'

Water Quality after a Wildfire

Unethical water mining by spring water companies 

Water mining threatens World Heritage-listed Springbrook National Park

Protect our national rainforests from free and unregulated water mining

Protecting water quality from agricultural runoff

What’s in your water?

Natural Issues affecting water quality

Water Resource Protection in Australia

Silent Spring 

Springs are highly susceptible to contamination since they are fed by shallow groundwater

Agricultural runoff from farms is the leading source of impairments to surveyed rivers and lakes?


12 pesticides banned elsewhere but still used in Australia

Atrazine is one of the most widely used herbicides in Australian agriculture.


Atrazine found in surface water and groundwater

Government waste treatment

Effects of atrazine on male health and fertility

More than 11pc of boys aged 5-7 are on the NDIS

Birth control hormone is making its way into streams 

Atrazine. It’s in our lakes, streams and drinking water at levels that make a difference to human health. Scientists link exposure to increased risk of birth defects, infertility and possibly cancer

Are Endocrine Disrupting Compounds a Health Risk in Drinking Water?

Atrazine that have widespread use and can move easily through soil to the underlying groundwater

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Drinking Water

Risks from endocrine disrupting substances in the South Australian  aquatic environment

Effects of Atrazine on male health and fertility

Water pollution from agriculture: a global review

Birth control hormone is making its way into streams and hindering fish's ability to reproduce

Water pollution from agriculture

Estrogen in drinking water

Risks from endocrine disrupting substances in the South Australian aquatic environment

Are Endocrine Disrupting Compounds a Health Risk in Drinking Water?

Huberman Labs- Water quality

Atrazine: A Harmful Weedkiller Taints Tap Water for Millions

Wastewater treatment

Chronic exposure to estrogens in the water supply and fertility problems and other adverse human health effects


Rainwater is unsafe due to chemicals 

The Cycling of PFAAs in the World’s Hydrosphere Means That Levels of PFAAs in Rainwater Will Be Practically Irreversible

It’s raining PFAS: even in Antarctica and on the Tibetan plateau rainwater is unsafe to drink


Brita water filter company accused of false advertising

BRITA Facing Class Action That Their Water Filters Don’t Reduce Hazardous Substances


Almost half of all bottled water comes from filtered tap water and depending on the filtering this might not be free of atrazine and other herbicides.

Instead of helping to tackle the world’s staggering plastic waste problem, recycling may be exacerbating a concerning environmental problem: microplastic pollution.

Greenpeace Report Calls Out Toxic Hazards of Recycled Plastic

Chemicals in single use plastic could be harming our health

Side effects of BPA

Estimating bisphenol exposures in the Australian population

Recycled plastic bottles leach more chemicals into drinks 

Dangerous side effects of BPA-

Single use plastics are shrinking penises 

Single use plastic links to smaller genitals

Fears for embryos exposed to BPA chemical

Kangen Controversy 

The Kangen water machine scam

Don’t buy into the Kangen water machine hype


Our Mission

Our mission extends beyond delivering exceptional water. We want to empower each person to have the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about the water they are consuming.

The water industry is highly unregulated and we want to lead the industry standard. We believe in transparency that everyone should have access to all information surrounding the quality and filtration of their water.

Everyone should have the facts to make informed decisions in the best interest of their health and the health of their families. No clever marketing or misleading statements of "filtration that removes UP TO" - just clear facts.

Our Process

Reverse Osmosis, Alkaline, Remineralised Water

Water you can trust- The highest quality water, guaranteed! 

The most advanced filtration system in the industry. 

State of the art alkaline, remineralisation with Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and Sodium to ensure ACTUAL hydration. 

Bottled, batch tested and delivered fresh to your door- no sitting in warehouses or trucked long distances. Our bottles don’t sit in the sun or on shelves. 

The only brand encouraging transparency and education and setting industry standards.  

Our rigorous testing has demonstrated that our process yields three times the amount of hydrogen compared to any electric ioniser. The result is water that is noticeably softer, sweeter, and utterly delicious. With our innovative technology, we can micro-cluster water, infuse it with hydrogen, remineralise it, alkalise it, and ionise it, all to provide you with the finest quality water possible.

From source to bottling, every step is taken with great care, delivering one of the finest and purest remineralised waters in the Australian marketplace.